Pengaruh Penggunaan Basic Skincare Terhadap Kesehatan Kulit Wajah Remaja Kelas 12 A Sma Islam Al-azhar Kelapa Gading Jakarta


No Panggil :
Pengarang :
Khadeeja Zuhayra Raisa Shazfa Falisha kls XII,
Penerbit :
Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading
Tempat Terbit :
Edisi :
Tahun :
Deskripsi :
20 Hal, Tinggi 0 cm, Tebal 0 cm
category :
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Subyek :
Karya Umum (generalities)
Bahasa :
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Sinopsis :
ABSTRACT Khadeeja Zuhayra Raisa Shazfa Falisha (NISN: 0059222093) Pengaruh Penggunaan Basic Skincare Terhadap Kesehatan Kulit Wajah Remaja Kelas 12 A SMA Islam Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading. Guru pembimbing : Iing Akhirudin S.Si., November 2023. Basic skincare is a product used to maintain the cleanliness and health of the skin, including facial skin. The use of basic skincare has become one of the ways to care for the skin from pollution, dust, and exposure to UV rays. This research aims to determine the impact of the use of basic skincare on the facial skin health of teenagers, especially 12th-grade students. Additionally, the goal of this research is to identify the reasons why teenagers use basic skincare. The method used in this research involves survey and descriptive quantitative analysis. Data collection techniques use questionnaires distributed directly to 12th-grade students at Al-Azhar Islamic High School Kelapa Gading to obtain results. In this study, an analysis was conducted on students' routines in maintaining the health of facial skin, including bathing routines and the use of basic skincare. The compatibility of basic skincare with facial skin was also considered, as well as the positive or negative effects resulting from the regular use of basic skincare. Based on the questionnaire results, 45.8% of respondents out of 100% felt that using basic skincare regularly is important. Regarding the use of basic skincare in terms of skin type compatibility, 54.2% of respondents use suitable basic skincare. Based on the perceived effects after regularly using basic skincare, 83.3% of respondents out of 100% stated that there were no negative effects, and 41.7% of respondents out of 100% proved that basic skincare has a positive effect, namely preventing acne. It can be said that the regular use of basic skincare has an impact on the facial skin health of high school teenagers. Thus, this research emphasizes the importance of using basic skincare since adolescence to achieve healthy facial skin. Keywords: basic skincare, skincare, health, skin health, teenagers, skin, facial
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